I came across a couple of ancient videotapes (remember them?). Both are from 1990. In one, I am interviewed by a children's librarian in Minneapolis about The Riddle of Penncroft Farm. In the other one, I am talking to kids taking a writing class. I don't remember how old they were, and they can't be seen in the video, but I'm pretty sure they were in middle school.
It was quite interesting for me to watch these videos after twenty five years because I have forgotten so much about the process of writing The Riddle of Penncroft Farm.
As what I talk about is how I go about writing a book, however, I thought it might be interesting to include clips from these two talks on this blog.
I have been thinking about starting a video blog anyway, so maybe I'll just begin with these antique bits.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to edit them so that viewers/readers can figure out what I am talking about. (Many of the children's questions are inaudible, so maybe I'll cut out that footage and just write a description of what I think I am answering in each clip.)
Of course, this means another giant learning curve, so it might take me awhile to get this rolling.
It seems to me that this is an excellent way to begin my 70th year.
Please stay tuned.
P.S. Here I am celebrating the arrival of the first ever Red City Review magazine. It contains an article about my Christmas story poem, Frizzy, the S.A.D. Elf, which won first prize in the children's category of their book award. (I know that I promised that this blog would not include anybody with pointy ears, but this IS how I celebrated my birthday, so please forgive the inclusion of Frizzy.)