Monday, November 28, 2022

A Note of the British Arriving in Philadelphia


From "They Passed this Way," by Marc A. Brier, Valley Forge Nationl Historical Pastrk, September 2002

On September 26, Philadelphia fell into British hands.

At half past eight, this morning, Lord Cornwallis with two battalions of British Grenadiers marched in and took possession of the city. *
Captain Montressor

*The grenadiers were physically and psychologically intimidating individuals that the British army sent on special missions. They wore tall bear skin hats bearing the Latin motto "Nec Aspera Terrent,” which translates as: “Difficulties be Damned.”

Citizen Response

Some Philadelphians were happy to see the British come, as evidenced by the comments of seventeen-year- old loyalist Robert Morton

To the great relief of the inhabitants who have too long suffered under the yoke of arbitrary Power; and who testified their approbation of the arrival of the troops by the loudest acclamations of joy.

Others simply wondered what was to befall them during the British occupation.

A ten-year-old boy known only as “J.C.” remembered

Their tranquil look and dignified appearance have left an impression on my mind, that the British grenadiers were inimitable ... I went up to the front rank of the grenadiers when they had entered Second Street, when several of them addressed me thus, -- 'How do you do, young one -- how are you, my boy' -- in a brotherly tone, that seems to still vibrate on my ear; then reached out their hands, and severally caught mine, and shook it, not with the exalting shake of conquerers, as I thought, but with a sympathizing one for the vanquished. 

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