Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Writing Archaically

When I write historical fiction for young readers, I have no problem writing dialogue that would sound authentic in a previous century.

One reason I am able to do this is because I have been an avid fan of Jane Austen novels for many years.  I have read them so many times, I think I have internalized some of her style and vocabulary.

It was on a tour of Jane Austen sites in England that I met Rita, who passed along to me the buss (kiss) her great-grandmother received from Lafayette in 1825. That is what led me to write my new historical novel, A Buss from Lafayette.

For that tour, my mother and I put together a quiz for our fellow travelers by recording many of the songs that have been used in film and television productions of Jane Austen's novels. We asked everyone to name the production each song was from.

I don't think we stumped anyone!

Jane Austen Song #1: "Did you not see my lady?"

(If you want to know which movie this appeared in, write me at jensendorothea@gmail.com.)

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