Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Wonderful Lafayette Exhibit in Boston!

Last week I had the great pleasure of touring the special collection of Lafayette pictures, sculptures, etc. at the Boston Atheneum.  This was put together in honor of the visit of L’Hermione, an exact reconstruction of the ship that carried General Lafayette to America in 1780.  At the time Lafayette was carrying the news that France was sending troops and ships to help America in its struggle with Britain. (Please see my June post about watching L'Hermione land in Yorktown, Virginia, after crossing the Atlantic.) The original L'Hermione actually landed in Boston within walking distance of where I am standing.

Anyway, this tour was done under the auspices of the American Friends of Lafayette.  It was a delight to view these pictures and sculptures, most of which I have seen many times in books and on my computer screen.  They are so much more vivid and moving "in person"! (Especially the "life mask" which clearly shows the exact features of Lafyette's face.)

I have read a lot about Lafayette over the last years, in preparation for writing my novel for middle graders/young adults, A Buss from Lafayette.  It was wonderful to see him looking out from the walls of the Atheneum, portrayed in so many stages of his amazing life!

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