Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Rhyming Advent Calendar (Sorry about the chocolate.)

The Izzy Elves have starting writing a rhyming countdown to Christmas in their Spare Time. (It's hard to imagine that they have any, given their work load at this time of year.)

However, here is the first verse (I'm quoting from their blog):

‘Tis twelve days til Christmas and at the North Pole
We Izzies are working away, with one goal:
To make the right gifts for each child on the list.
(We want to make sure not a one has been missed.)
S.C. has examined each one of your letters
And scanned the web wishlists of online go-getters.
So our task is quite huge, and time’s wasting away.
We’d better get busy and fill Santa’s sleigh!

Much love,
Santa’s Izzy Elves

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